My specialty is pain management and promoting mobility. Massage promotes metabolism and activates blood circulation. Massage is used for recovery from physical activities. Massage is also used to release muscle tension and muscle pain caused by poor working posture or just as a means of relaxation. My massage technique includes a lot of stretching, fascia release, treatment of trigger points and manipulation. The goal of my treatment is to release muscle tension and correct incorrect positions of the body. For example, incorrect postures in the pelvic region can be the cause of pain felt in the back and legs. There can also be pain in the shoulders, neck and stomach due to incorrect posture.
Classic massage is a whole-body therapeutic massage treatment that works the soft tissues and muscles to help restore health - creating a calming and balancing effect on the nervous system.
The massage therapist will use five main types of massage techniques in a Swedish massage: stroking and gliding; kneading; rubbing; tapping or pounding; vibration. Our own style, we use muscle manipulation and a lot of stretching in the treatment.
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Shiatsu works with the body's vital energy, known as qi.
Traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that when this energy
becomes blocked or stagnant, it causes illness. Using pressure to
stimulate the energy channels (known as the meridians), shiatsu aims to
unblock any stuck energy. In turn, this is thought to help the body heal
itself. As shiatsu is a holistic and natural therapy it can benefit
most people. Many use it as a form of stress management or as part of a
preventative health care programme. Helping to maintain balance, the
therapy can promote overall well-being, even if you are fit and healthy. Shiatsu treatment has been found to have positive effects, e.g. in the treatment of the following problems: Sleep problems, tension, stress, anxiety and depression. Menstrual pains, PMS symptoms, sexual life disorders, migraines and nausea. Muscle pains and symptoms of tension as well as circulatory and digestive problems.
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shopping or hospital etc. Lots of contacts in Finland. Do you need help?
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